Enhancing Financial Intelligence: Key Points from Business and Leadership School Session

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Importance of Information and Inspiration

  • Informed vs. Deformed: Lack of information leads to deformation.
  • Inspired vs. Expired: Without inspiration, progress halts.
  • Updated vs. Outdated: Staying updated is essential for relevance.
  • Knowledge as Power: Those who know rule over those who don’t. Information is the key to transformation.

Education: Three Dimensions

  • Educated: Traditional education with certificates.
  • Uneducated: Lack of formal education.
  • Miseducated: The real problem, leading to limitations and wrong beliefs.

Financial Intelligence Test

Participants are required to answer 26 questions with “Yes,” “No,” or “I don’t know.” These questions cover various aspects of personal finance, savings, investments, and financial planning.

Key Points from the Financial Intelligence Test

  1. Know Your Net Worth: Understanding your current financial status is crucial.
  2. Satisfaction with Financial Condition: Even the richest people seek improvement.
  3. Awareness of Increasing Net Worth: Simple ways to increase finances should be known.
  4. Savings for Emergencies: Have enough savings to cover six months of living expenses.
  5. Regular Savings Habit: Form the habit of saving regularly, not just occasionally.
  6. Document Financial Goals: Have well-defined and documented financial goals.
  7. Reconcile Bank Statements: Regularly review and reconcile your bank statements.
  8. Record Income and Expenditure: Keep detailed records to understand your financial flow.
  9. Spending vs. Earning: Ensure your spending is less than your earnings.
  10. Household Budget: Have and manage a household budget effectively.
  11. Avoid Major Credit Purchases: Be cautious with credit and avoid debt for non-essential items.
  12. Investment Opportunities: Take advantage of savings and investment opportunities.
  13. Diversify Investments: Spread investments across different assets to manage risk.
  14. Sufficient Life Insurance: Ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage.
  15. Plan for Children’s Education: Start saving early for your children’s education.
  16. Home Ownership: Aim to own a home rather than being a lifelong tenant.

Practical Tips for Financial Management

  • Savings Automation: Use apps and direct debits to automate your savings.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Regularly analyze the return on your efforts and investments.
  • Investment in Education: Continually educate yourself to make informed financial decisions.
  • Spiritual and Natural Collaboration: Combine spiritual principles with practical actions for financial success.


Financial intelligence is not just about making money but about managing and multiplying it wisely. It involves a blend of knowledge, habits, and strategic planning. By following these principles and participating in the financial intelligence test, you can better understand your financial position and take steps towards achieving financial freedom and purpose fulfillment.

Call to Action

  • Review and answer the 26 financial intelligence questions.
  • Document and analyze your current financial practices.
  • Set clear financial goals and create a plan to achieve them.
  • Continuously educate yourself and adapt to new financial opportunities.

By adhering to these guidelines and participating actively in the Business and Leadership School, you are positioning yourself for financial success and empowerment.



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