1 – Get Conscious Of Your Current Financial Situation
People forget the intersectionality of finance. Not everyone’s boat is built the same way, but rowing with the resources that you have will still get you to your destination. Acknowledge this difference and look for relatable financial resources because if you listen to the ones out of your scope, you will be demotivated.
Most importantly, don’t be afraid to admit the results of financial illiteracy in the past. The sooner you acknowledge the problem, the faster you find targeted solutions. Financial discipline is intimidating, hence the investment gap. But calling out your financial situation, no matter how dire, will give you better direction.
2 – Define Realistic Financial Goals
From consciousness follows strategy and planning. You cannot be disciplined about anything, so you must set financial goals. But, these must be realistic and grounded in your average lifestyle so that investing doesn’t come at your expense.
You can use strategy by identifying short, mid, and long-term goals and assess your discipline against attaining these. An example of a short-term goal is a monthly savings quota. One tip is to make these goals accessible and visible as a constant reminder and source of motivation!
3 – Prepare an Emergency Fund
Most people advise against preparing an emergency fund before paying off debt.
But being unprepared for an emergency is what gets people into debt!
An emergency fund is essential to maintain your financial discipline despite unforeseen events, as you do not need to sacrifice your savings and investments for survival.
4 – Pay Your Debts
The aggravating concept of debt is it haunts your past and future financial standing. Your past because of the amount you owe, and your future because of the interest payments. Ideally, you should pay the debt right away to avoid compounding interest against you and so that you can start allocating more money into investments.
5 – Define A Budget
Where your money currently goes is not the same as where it should be. Defining a budget means creating the ideal structure of your inflows and outflows; and, of course, having the discipline to follow them. This ties into your realistic financial goals since this is the direction of your budget.
Here are a few tips to better stick to your budget:
Financial discipline is not torture; it’s being strategic.
6 – Set the investment strategy that fits your goals, finances, and risk tolerance
There are multiple factors to consider when investing, and you have to be comfortable with the choice you’re making, or else you’ll end up losing money or giving up altogether. Your investment strategy shouldn’t just be realistic; it should be personalized.
In the age of fintech, it’s easy to access multiple investment calculators and resources that weigh different investment options. You cannot stay disciplined if you’re always hesitating when it comes time to execute investments.
7 – Become More Reflective About Your Spending
Impulse spending is so easy with social media and e-commerce, especially as retail therapy has become an escape for many.
Financial discipline, however, is not just forward-looking. It’s also about reflecting on past financial mistakes and unhealthy habits to discontinue. Moreover, it becomes harder to enjoy being disciplined when there’s less money to see yielding returns. So, exercise delayed gratification and reflect on whether your next purchase is worth more than your financial success.
8 – Keep Calm And Patient
Financial discipline, as its reputation, is not easy because it’s a lifelong commitment as you build more financial goals.
To help you stay on track, identify goals, keep calm, and stay patient. Indicate what a financial milestone looks like as specifically as you can. Whether it be moving out at a certain age or purchasing property with the returns of your investment, keeping a visual representation of what it means to be successful could spell the difference between success or failure 5 years down the road.